RFI - 工作流图 最后更新 另存为PDF CLOSECLOSEREVIEW AND REPLYREVIEW AND REPLYCREATE AND OPENCREATE AND OPENCreate a Draft RFICreate a Draft RFI Create an Open RFICreate an Open RFI ENDENDDo you have all the information you need to reply?Do you have all the information...Do you want to create a draft RFI or an open RFI?Do you want to create a draft...DRAFTDRAFTOPENOPEN Review the RFIReview the RFI 'OPEN'Sent to Assignees'OPEN'...'DRAFT'Send to RFI Manager to Approve'DRAFT'...'OPEN'Sent to Assignees'OPEN'...Do you want to forward the RFI to another user to review before you respond?Do you want to forward the RFI...Reply to an RFIReply to an RFI Forward an RFIfor ReviewForward an RFI...Reply to an RFIReply to an RFI Ball in Court (BIC)Shifts to ForwardeeBall in Court (BIC)...Ball in Court (BIC)Shifts to AssigneeBall in Court (BIC...Do you want to add other assignees to the RFI workflow to also respond?Do you want to add other ass...Add Assignees to an RFI as an Assignee on an RFIAdd Assignees to an RFI...Assignees AddedAssignees AddedChoose an 'Official' Response for an RFIChoose an 'Official' Res...Ball in Court (BIC)Shifts to RFI ManagerBall in Court (BIC)...Close an RFIClose an RFI LEGENDLEGENDRFI ManagerRFI ManagerRFI CreatorRFI CreatorRFI AssigneeRFI AssigneeRFI ForwardeeRFI ForwardeeSTARTSTART